Wednesday, January 26, 2011

why learning occurs but there is no change in behavior?

Bandura mentions four conditions that are necessary before an individual can successfully model the behavior of someone else:
  1.  Attention: the person must first pay attention to the model. 
  2. Retention: the observer must be able to remember the behavior that has been observed. One way of increasing this is using the technique of rehearsal.
  3. Motor reproduction: the third condition is the ability to replicate the behavior that the model has just demonstrated. This means that the observer has to be able to replicate the action, which could be a problem with a learner who is not ready developmentally to replicate the action. For example, little children have difficulty doing complex physical motion.
  4. Motivation: the final necessary ingredient for modeling to occur is motivation, learners must want to demonstrate what they have learned. Remember that since these four conditions vary among individuals, different people will reproduce the same behavior differently.

above is some scripts i detrieved from

i would give some new examples for each of the 4 conditions above:
  1. Attention--this condtions result in no behavioral changes most of the time, for example, when a teacher is showing steps to solve an algebraic problem, but the students do not pay attention to the details, then the students most probably will not be able to solve other algebraic problem.
  2. Retention--we learn lotz of things everyday, sometimes we might forget it easily. For example, students may had learn the formula for finding roots of quadratic equatic, however, after sometime he forget about the formula & can not perform the operation.
  3. Motor reproduction--example, a student may had learn that when people get drown, we need to save the person and maybe need to perform CPR, however, cannot perform CPR as he do not know how to swim or do not know the correct steps to perform CPR. Similarly, some students cannot find the area under the curve because they do not master the technique of integration.
  4. Motivation--through our education, and mass media, we all learn that we must keep our environment clean. But, some people, however, reluctant to do it, they will throw rubbish anywhere and refuse to pick up the trash on the floor. Similarly, some students have learn how to solve certain problem, but they refuse to do it as it do not bring much satisfaction to them.

Difference between Classical and Operant Conditioning


in my own example, it would be like this

classical conditioning: whenever a teacher want to ask (uncondtitioned stimulus) students do exercise, she would take out the workbook (conditioned or neutral stimulus), the students will do the exercise (unconditioned respon); after some repetition, once the student see the workbook (conditioned stimulus), they will start doing exercise (conditioned respons).

operant conditioning: students do the exercise given (respons), teacher give a compliment (stimulus, reward); after some time, students understand that if he want to get compliment (conditioned stimulus, reward), he must do the homework (conditioned respons) .

hope my thought is correct....
if u think the other way other, pls don't shy to tell me : )

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


this is my magic number today...
my salary for working (not actually teaching) at a daycare center near Pui Chai School

i started this month...
& actually 2day is only my 2nd day working :P

i knew about this center a yr ago, from my roommate who also worked at there b4...
since i m a bit free this sem & i wan some experience handling kids ( and mayb get a little $ ) & see how is the kids nowadays & the center is within 15 minutes walking distance from home i choose to work there...

went interview, fill in the form & answers the Q & say wat time i will be availble...(with exact time i can reach there after class)
since my time is random, & my working period is at most 4 month, i m place as ''on-call'' teacher
then off to go for news

a week after, get 1st call & attend the first there...
reach center at 12:30, help to bring lunch to school (the center provide lunch & tea break)
bring kids back, help serve them lunch,
then start my main checking the kids homework, urge them to do, help them to correct it....
prepare them for tuition class later (if they finish early, they allowed to watced this idea)
at 330, pick up other children, start another battle...
at 5 plus-plus, tuition end, parents come pick up

wat i reflect after the class???
i need to find way to remember st name....
i had a more relax schoolhood (though i sometimes also dis homework till 10 Pm )
the center is actually good for busy parents, it help them check homework, tuitiion them, control them...
to my surprise, they organize chest competition & sport too....
how could i handle ppl who cry? should i let them? should i comfort them ? i always face this question....mayb bcs i dun hav siblings for me to be get used to...
do anyplace offering course teaching this? i want to learn.....
why our course do not include bantuan kecemasan.....

anyway, now is still thinking how i can get the money from the Maybank check given....
this is my 1st time getting a check :D
i dun have maybank account...
could i take it from other bank???

Monday, January 24, 2011

what i jotted down in w4 psiko math class

prof always introduce new words....mnemonic, novelty, neurobic
and he will discuss everything he give...

why mnemonic? funny, simple, easy to remember, mind is remember
something different that u see

acronymns, easy but use till sometime we forget the whole name.....

do chunking conciouly or unconciouly till remember....

had a lecturer remember pi using rhythm; drm lim meng huat.....

give out material for fun, and develpong mind: even genius work hard

johari window, a simple yet powerful tool....try to relate to life...

implication of behaviorism....
what are the meaning of each term,many weird term.....

link behaviorism....clock ring=6am....

link learning with +ve emotion/result------to attact students,
difficult to predict whether st really need it....must incorporate
interesting, show how it is really going to be used NOW.....not future
(far taht st cannot associate) only...
while pavlov use it, the food is in front of the dog, not out of the room....

in ur class in 40 st, there mayb will be a prime minister in ur class,
we will never now....

help to handle anxiety-----if cannot do it now, nvm, take a break. dun
wan them get frustrated

skenner operant conditioning.....(explain from ur understanding)
the teories is old, but still make sense
try to link, while it might not be the same....

when want to teach, should relate previos knowledge, n dun ready need
to teach it again, but to relate it to the new knowledge....especailly
if they had read, or now....
what they had not done is make the link....differnet ppl hgave
different way to link, this is wat wer want to link....

skinner.....if st do something, give reward to them....
but if dah kenyang....????? it might want to take a rest.....then must
give another new stimulus.....if not it will be boring....

(like to link teory with example adn discuss it openly in class)

difference bet pavlov and skinner----
negative reinforcement...punishment....(as the electric shock on the mouse)

t have to be carefull with reward and punishment

generalization : put the same attetntion with test to final (to avoid stress)
dicrimination: put unimportant things benind

motivation: many different form....


store...short and long term...give homework to enharnce
retreive...have a quiz

give example is not enough, give non-example too.....challenge
them.....from this square, how can we get a 3 sided figure....why it
is,why it is not???? st able to explain the charecteristic.....

give 2 triangle, of different colour....colour is not a charecteristic
of tranngle, dun wnat children link colour to triangle....

cikgu must show good example for st...cara tulis...cara buat....if t
make mistake, so will st....
retention (st ingat balik dan mengekalkan  dan ingat yang belajar
melalui attetntion)
reproduction (buat balik)
motivation (repeat untuk buat balik)

social learning....something that we pick up by observing....
t must be knowlegeable and cekap
guna rakan sekelas untuk bantu belajar

think about it and write in ur blog....
1 major dif
pavlov------conditioning....change in the behaviour,,,,,

skinner...change in behaviour....

bandula....tak semestinya berubah, learning take place but their is
not change in behaviour....give example (put into blog)

usually we say, learning take place when there is a change in behaviour...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Teori Social Diri George Herbert Mead

sem ini saya ambil sosiologi persekolahan, masa cari bahan untuk assignment, saya baca dan translate teori ini dari buku sosiology tulis oleh macionis,terbit oleh pearson.....(sambil buat, sambil fikir mayb saya blh jadi translator buku.... : p  )

Teori Social Diri George Herbert Mead
George Herbert Mead (1863-1931) memperkembangkan teori behaviorism social untuk menjelaskan tentang bagaimana pengalaman sosial seseorang mempengaruhi personaliti individu.
Konsep utama Mead ialah diri, bahagian personaliti seseorang individu terdiri daripada kesedaran diri (self-awareness) dan citra diri (self-aware) .
Pertama, diri berkembang, dan bukannya dilahirkan. Diri bukan sebahagian daripada badan, personaliti tidak dipengaruhi faktor biologi, bertentangan dengan teori Freud dan Piaget.
Kedua, Diri berkembang hanya akibat daripada pengalaman sosial, dengan berinteraksi dengan individu lain.
Ketiga, pengalaman sosial ialah pertukaran simbol. Hanya manusia yang menggunakan kata dan gerakan untuk mewujudkan erti.
Keempat, proses mencari erti membawa manusia untuk fikir tentang niat individu lain.
Kelima, untuk memahami niat, manusia perlu memikirkan situasi dari sudut pandangan individu tersebut
Cermin Diri
Orang lain merupakan cermin di mana kita melihat diri. Apa yang kita fikir tentang diri, dipengaruhi oleh bagaimana kita fikir orang lain menlihat diri kita.
Aku (I)  dan Saya (Me)
Idea keenam Mead adalah, kita menjadi citra diri dengan menambil peranan orang lain. Dengan kata lain, diri terdiri daripada 2 bahagian. Bahagian pertama ialah ‘aku’ yang berfungsi sebagai subjek, aktif dan spontan. Bahagian kedua ialah ‘saya’ yang berfungsi sebagai objek, iatu cara kita fikir orang lain melihat kita. Semua pengalaman sosial terdiri 2 komponen : kita mengambil suatu tindakan (fasa aku), dan kemudian kita teruskan tindakan berpandukan bagaimana respon orang lain terhadap kita.
Perkembangan Diri
Menurut Mead, kunci utama dalam mengembangkan diri adalah belajar mengambil peranan orang lain. Bayi berbuat demikian secara peniruan kerana kekuranga pengalaman sosial. Mereka meniru tindakan tanpa memahami niar sebaliknya, maka, mereka tiada diri semasa ini.
Apabila budak belajar mengguna bahasa dan simbol lain, diri wujud dalam bentuk lakon. Lakonan melibatan anggapan bahawa peranan orang tertentu, contoh ibu bapa, membawa kepentinfan untuk proses sosial. Lakonan ‘ ibu dan bapa’ penting untuk membantu anak kecil membayangkan dunia daripada pandangan ibu bapa.
Secara perlahan, budak mula mengambil perana individu-individu lain. Ini membolehkan mereka berkembang daripada lakonan mudah seperti permainan tangkap lari kepada permainan kompleks seperti permainan bola keranjang.
Carta menunjukkan perkembangan daripada peniruan kepada permainan watak. Namun wujud tahap terakhit dalam perkembangan diri. Suatu permainan memerlukan peranana individu tertentu dalam sesuatu situasi. Tetapi, kehidupan seharian memerlukan kita melihat diri daripada pandangan ahli masyarakat lain. Mead menggunakan ‘geheralized other’ untuk merujuk kepada adat resam dan nilai yang kita guna sebagai panduan menilai diri kita.
Dengan perubahan masa, diri sentiasa berubah berlandaskan pengalaman sosial kita. Namun, walau bagaimana dunia membentuk kita, kita sentiasa kreatif bertindak terhadap sekeliling kita.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

reading Training Today the teacher of Tomorrow

i dun really enjoy to read journal, more over when it was more than 10 pages...
but since til now, i dun noe wat i wan (to lazy too start assignment to do at this time, maybe i can read 1 small article,
chapter 15 training today the teacher of tomorrow by bernard corbu (1999), pg 195-202 book rethinking the mathematical curriculum
i choose this one bcs it title is more general compare to other n most importantly it is only 8 pages....

society is evolving, economy develop, invent and application of ICT
influence of education research
education is changing ------> role of teacher is changing

way of teacher work, with students, with colleagues, in school is changing;  role and competencies will be more wide-ranging
teacher must sometime replace parents' authority when they fail
teacher must be able to work at home as well as at school, in a lab environment; with whole class, small groups or with individual pupils
teacher must evolve and adapt
teacher is not the only one to transmit knowledge, have to manage access to knowledge, help pupils organize knowledge
teacher help pupils to conceptualize, theorize, model, and build abstractions

in France, teacher from both primary & secondary receive same status & amount of salary
training of teacher includes study of an academic area, pedagogy, didactics, general tools and personal training; include interaction betw theory & practice; seminars for reflection and analysis particular teaching situation
while in school, student teacher write a personal essay a research project on problem encountered...tool to develop reflective practitioner

in Britain, heavy emphasis on practical training in schools and de-emphasizing theory
in France, similar but favours a dynamic interplay betw theory and practice

''teacher would like to be given recipes for teaching 'the' right way to teach such and such a topic. they greatly enjoy and value the practice period in schools, but they are often disappointed by some course at the Institute which they find too theoretical, too far from direct application. It is only 1 or 2 years later they understand how fundamental inputs prepare them for long-term competency, and help them to reflect and to built that competency.'

there is not just 1 way to be a good teacher, each T must build his or her own strategy
it is impossible to provide future teachers with all the competencies they need, so ability to adapt and evolve is essential, in-service training will be important component in teaching profession
teachers usually reproduce the way they were taught themselves, methods are as important as content in initial teacher training

i think i just find myself a way to read, to type the point i read, to understand it as well as to use it for future....

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

cHaNgE oF vIEwpOInt

Dulu, masa tinggal di rumah dan hoster, bila dengar tentang kenaikan harga, ia cuma satu term, satu fakta, suatu peristiwa.

Kini, bilalah duduk kat luar, masak sendiri, kenaikan harga, ia adalah satu matematik, harga popiah naik 10 sen setiap satu, harga sebungkus gula naik 20 sen, harga minyak asyik naik, duit dalam dompet semaikin berkurangan.

Everything is increasing, except the money in my wallet......

Monday, January 17, 2011

Week 3 lesson

why we need to learn about how human math?
-different ppl in different way
-when students no understand, we must try new method (visual, auditory, tactile or kinesthetic or reflective process)

how to teach integration:
-start by giving example of use of integration
-how integration work: summation of infinite trapezium area

constructivism (learn and build up knowledge brick by brick), from basic to complex
behaviorism (stimulus to respond)
Example: give a problem to students
behaviourism: make students learn
constructuvism: students construct new knowledge
(thing are nor always in black or white only)

An alternative teaching method:
Learn by teaching: students make effort, learn more, gain confidence

How to overcome forgetfullness:
-jot down
-explain in own words

Week 3 Presentation part 1-Major Q about human L. of Math

                                    When we think of cooking a dinner, we would face questions about cooking a perfect dinner.
Similarly, when we think of human learning of mathematics, there would be exist question about human learning of mathematics.

When ever there is questions, we will always come to the 5W1H (or generally we say 5 wives,1 husband :( )

The questions are linked to one another.
Among the question that 1st come into one mind is,
''What is Math?''
Actually how people perceive math depends on their experience and interest. Math is a thinking method, research pattern, relationship research, an art, a special and unique language, and a tool in social life as well as human recreation.

Why do humans learn math?
In ancient, people carve and draw symbols, lines or picture on the wall of cave and the trees to record number of belonging.
Today, people learn math in order to satisfy other need, pass exam, get  better college, get job with high salary....
Most important of all, is math relevant to daily life? Is math applicable to all people? Do people in art field such as artist and actors need math in their daily lives?
We cannot say math is applicable to all people, but we could say learning math make us active thinker. help us to construct ideas and logic and improve our problem solving skills.

Who needs to learn math? What math does he or she need to learn?
Does all people need to learn all topic of math? Does fisherman need to know about differentiation?Does bussinessman needs to know about trigonometry?
In this era, with calculator and computer at our side, do we still need to master basic arithmatic calculation?
However since we cannot forseen our future (and future job), the best solution would be learn as much as possible.

When and where is the best situation to learn math?
When should we start to learn math? Age 3-4 or after we can appreciate the beauty of math?
Do we need to learn math life-long?
Where is the best place? Our home, school or in society? Must human attend school so that we master math?

How does human learn math best?
Traditional way? chalk and talk? Drill and practice?
Discovery learning?Experimental learning? Problem solving method?
Computer based learning?
How human learn math depends on many factors, the content, class environment, students ability as well as teacher preferences.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

1st Assignment: Reflective Practitioner

What kind of qualities do you expect in reflective practitioner?
A reflective practitioner is an action researcher, he must be able to plan action, carry out or implement the action planned, observe the outcome of the action, do reflection, replan further action based on the response. In order to do this, a reflective practitioner must have have certain qualities.
He or she must be/have:-
·         Knowledgeable

For a teacher to be a good reflective practitioner, he must know learning theories, teaching pedagogies, classroom management and so on. It is so that he could understand what was happening and pick up the best solution for every decision he need to make based on requirement of each situation.

·         Flexible

He must not hold on to certain set of beliefs, thinking or methods. Different situation require different action.

·         Continuous spirit and hardworking

Reflection require long term commitment, he must be an action research and make changes (if required) from time to time in order to improve. Those who do not make any changes in work is similar to a machine following the procedure given.
·         Open to advice and changes

One must be open-minded to accept advice and changes. Every second new thing is created, every minutes grow, every day human changes. The teaching method used yesterday may not be suitable for today. Besides, he must be ready to accept advice and make improvement accordingly. What we think is best sometimes maybe is not the best alternative.

·         A thinker

A reflective practitioner must think fast, creatively, critically and innovatively. Unexpected event happens unexpectedly, a teacher must react instantly to solve the problem. Not every situation that we encountered is same with the one written in text book or reference book , therefore a reflective practitioner should modify solution according to the needs of each problem.

Why do you think a beginning teacher should possess these qualities?
·         Manage (not control) the classroom
·         Use time efficiently and appropriately to maximize the teaching and learning process
·         Make students enjoy the learning process
·         Help pupils learn better; make sure students fully understand the content
·         Engage students in the learning process; arouse their interest in learning
·         To be aware or conscious and able to give reasons every action he made
·         To improve teacher’s capability in conducting a conducive class
·         To be an excellent teacher

How would you expect this course to help develop these qualities?
The most important expect I wished to learn and master through this course is the process of reflective thinking. This process is not only useful in teaching, but also in managing our day-to day life.
Therefore, I would expect that, at the end of this course, I would have understand and apply major theories and pedagogies of teaching and learning. I would like to know how human learn and how human respond to new thing. Following that, I hope we would have the opportunity to plan and conduct a short mathematics lesson in this course.
It would be great if through this course, I learn to articulate the theories I am using by learning through series of writing assignment.  
With the knowledge in mind and on hand, hopefully I would gain confidence to conduct a class properly in future.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What is mathematics?

while searching for my class opener, read through this post <<what us mathematics education>>

when I was primary students, math is numbers;
when I was secondary studetns, math is solving different types problem using formula or steps given;
when I m in U, math is proving...

how about otherss?what they think about math? what do you think about math?

below is what I get from a blog

''If you look from the background mathematics education is
  • psychology (deals with learning mathematics),
  • sociology (deals with social issues in relation to mathematics), culture (deals with issues across the cultures in relation to mathematics teaching),
  • history (deals with development of mathematical ideas across the history), and
  • philosopy (deals with the issues of ontology, epistemology and axiology of mathematics teaching and learning).
At the foreground mathematics education is application of educational theories in teaching and learning mathematics.  ''

Haha, therefore we need to take Sejarah, falsafah dan Perkembangan Pendidikan Mathematik course now : )

Monday, January 10, 2011

What I need to complete by 11:59 pm 14 January 2011

Now is 11 am of 11-1-2011, what a beautiful numbers...
must thx my Fb friends for reminding tat today is a special day...

yesterday we had our lessons on theories of mathematics learning and teaching...
we share about our thought on reflexive practitioners...
i must thx dr. shahul for discussing this at class so that we can have some idea about how to answers the questions...

at first, when i read through the article given it was hard for me to understand what the writers want to convey; who was the writer try to send the message to; what post was the writer it say lots about teacher preparation course but no depth into certain theories or findings...
(i need to really remind myself that not everytime an article we find might give us all we want, sometimes only some part of the article is connected to our topic, therefore, I must read lotz and lotz)
but, after yesterday class i have some idea bout what we actually had to pay attention to...
reflexive practitioner....

then, before the class ended, we were distributed some task, our group will be the first to present...
we will do our best :  )
just know try to google for ''Major questions about human learning of mathematics'' but do not find the exact result, seems like i need to do more searching and thinking....
never mind, this will be my challenges
by the way, i like the way dr arrange the task so that everyone get to work with new ppl for each task...

In short, what i need to finish 2 task by this friday midnight (as I planned to go Home on saturday)

1. Prepare the presentation
-What are the major questiosns about human learning of mathematics

2. Discuss about
- What kind of qualities do you expect in reflective partitioner?
-Why beginning teacher should possess these qualities?
-How would you expect this course to help develop these qualities?

Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Trip to casino

i hah reach 21 like a year ago....(hard to admit)....
but only yesterday i go into a casino while i meet my friend in Genting.
In Genting Casino, only those who are 21 years old & non-Malaysian Muslim or foreigner are allowed to enter. The casino has smoking area as well as non-smoking area. Non-alcohol beverages are provided for free, food are at reasonable price.

(below are some experience i had in the casino, i hope it is ok for all to read)

Since it is my 1st time going into a casino, i m so excited and kept looking around.
But first, i must say i m a bit (a bit more) sad because i was not stopped at the entry....(it means i looked old......)
then when we walk in, i saw lots of tables & machine.
at most places, the players and the workers are in serious looked...(i used to thought ppl should b happy in casino).
some ppl are so concentrated in there games that i think they would score really well if they put the same attention in thery study, some ppl even takes notes....
all the games are computerised, all places are recorded...
all games are played using chips, there were 2 kind od chip, table chip and casino chip, table ship can only be used in that table, casino chip is used at the whole casino....
i enjoy seeing ppl using CASH (they all use RM50 notes, really-really rich and indeed gambler) to change the coin, the staff would arrange the Cash on the table, scan it, and put it into a hole (like the mailbox hole) using a plate...i like this scene...
the action i see the most in the table is SHOW HAND (i think this is the name), eveytime the staff need to give something to players, they would open their hand and put their palms up, this is to ensure tat the staff don't cheat....
some of the staff are quite young, i think SPM graduated, some looked tired....
i remember the article saying that casino was design and controlled so that the players will forget the time, and feels comfortable inside....i notice tat their is no clock inside, the temperature is set to around 19 degree celsius, and humidity around 60%.....and i think once you go in, you hardly find the way out, one section is connected to another,,,& we keep on turning around inside.....
ATM machine in casino are special, beside the normal type, there were type tat use Genting World Card, so one must be careful when chosing the ATM machine

i was searching for ppl ....guess who is was searching????
i was searching for ALONG!!!! .....wait wait wait...dun suspicious, i m not going to borrow $$$ from them... i just wandering how they would look like, are they stay in the casino, how they spot their victim, does the casino allow them to operate inside casino??? i must make a note here: Do Not Ever Borrow Money from ALONG!!!

among the games inside the casino, i stay at the table of TAI SAI or Sic bo the most (i m not playing, my friends were :P)
for each game, three dice were spin by the machine, and players need to guess the numbers
for this game there were a few type of playing, (each type has different winning gain) to name a few;-
  • Big (the total of the dice 11-17)  or Small (4-10)
  • Even (total is even) or Odd
  • Special combination
while i watch, i was thinking what is i buy all the special combination, would i wins???
then i start to recap, this is really a Probability cases, no matter how i put, in the end the Banker (or the casino) will win....

ya,not to forget, since i was a new member to World Card, i get free RM20 in slot machine....but i loses it within 5 minutes....
maybe i should be happy because that was not my money...
n also i should be happy because i realize that gambling is not good for me : )

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Holiday Mode during Start of Semester

I know, I know, I should start doing my first assignment…
But I am still in HOLIDAY Mode!!!!
I don’t have the Omm to read. Even when I read, only the word come into my mine, but the content is Nil.
While I was sitting in the bus, one thought flash in.
‘’if I am having Holiday Mode in the first week, will the students in the same mode too??’’
What a teacher (she or he maybe also in the same Holiday Mode) to take the students out and put them into a learning mode???
Therefore, I start googleing for “What teacher should do in the first class?”

This 2 pages list what we can do with our students for our first few day of class.

This shall act as my reference during my first day of Teaching Practical too ; )

Monday, January 3, 2011

Yee Thought of Math Opening!!!

Haha, within 10 minutes, i had a new blog.
In coming days, i would share my thought with you.
I hope you would also share yours' with me.
Happy exploring and learning together. : )

7:54 3th January 2011