Learning to Teach math from other learning theories
Ausubel: verbal meaning learning
Brunner: discovery learning
Skemp: Mathematicak Understanding (relational vs instrumental learning)
Dienes: mathematical fun (game) learning
ausubel: metapgrs, cognitive structure, heirarchy, subsumption, organizers, retention, (vs) forgetting
mnemonic is 1 of the advance organizers: "kuda baca to"
wat works for a group of stu may not work for other....
humanistic: relate math to human activities: math is in real life; socialcultural perspective (sosial interection) involved st learning in classroom , in a group
integrated approach: put all this together
humanistic perspective: the development of the child's self-concept
if st feel he is good, it is a good start for his learning....he believe he can go it
eg: if we want to teach addition....if he can answer the question correctly, he will feel good;
if he could not, teacher give guidance (so he would feel better)....repeat the question, make the question simple & small part...relate it to their pass or experience...
teacher use activities
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Rogers (find one or 2 cotation from him about humanistic)
& maslow http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraham_Maslow
social personal developmetn: let st do presentation & praise them (the reward) , reduce punishment
make them feel good
performance-oreinted, still have to test them.....
keep in mind of their level.......ask question of their level....provide oppurtunity for success
math has more than one way of computation....let them do it their way.....respect st aspiration
right to self-determination: bagi peluang bina keazaman
open classroom....mesti use certain strategy.....mesti siap sekian-sekian masa...
learning style....lets st learn in his way.....teacher be flexible
co-operative learning...in group learning....everyone try to be better and best to help others
social cultural perspective: emphasized the influence of culture, peers and adults on the developing child
zone of proximal devekpment
cultural tools
computer....some cultural use computer better in learning......eg US and Japan is fast in helping them to learn
Integrated approach perspective
old math, teach in new way
3 main components: numbers, shapes and relations
ameriaca & singaopre learn math using themes...in themes have number, shape relation
integration of math as problem solving, communication, reasoning, connections representation
in the process of problem solving, they learn about the concept, the learn what is circle, circumferences.....
communication....able to reading (st collect data adn think) , listenint (st respons to questions and think to solve it),
reasoning....basic for understaning and solvinf problem...st preject answer by using concrete materials
(A prime number (or prime integer, often simply called a "prime" for short) is a positive integer p > 1 that has no positive integer divisors other than 1 and p itself. (Source)
1 certainly does not meet that criteria since 1 is not greater than 1. ) st can reasons why, even using definition
connection...inter & intra
representation...symbol, chart, graph
6 principles
curriculum....math is integrated, not separate pieces
teaching...t understand how st learn & select methods for teaching
learning....when to teach and learn math
teaching and learning as an integrated approach....make connection....so that the undestanding together
balance between understanding of concepts and mastering of skills
apply mathematical skills in real problem solving situations
encourage st to use calculator to check the answers.....
when teach problem solving, should also teach to check the asnwer....
so that they will remember to chech their answer
humanistics mathematics: attenmpt to explore the human side of mathematical thought and to guide st to discover this beauty of mathematics (nature, environment)
goals: gain appreciates for mathe as a creative, collaborative and move away from thinking of math as a boring subject
looking at problems and concepts in different ways; developing visual techniques for delving deeper into particular topic
strategies: use visual imagery and art to introduce math idea....to illustrate abstract ideas and make them more concrete
use history and cultural perspective to help st understand math as a human endeavor.....to enliven enthusiasm in the manner in which math is developed
use collaborative
humanistic math creates a learning environment that is productive, meaningful and enjoyable for st
social.....math knowledge is build socially and real
math is part of human culture....a human identity....
history to excite the students toward the subject
values such as efficientcy, confudent level and systematic thinking must be applied throughout this subject
(give them different level of question, so that they are encourage with the small little success)
study group can help st to applu social skilss and cooperative behaviors
relationship: relate knowledge of conceptual and procedure....and to other subject
st have to participate activily
Integration approcaced...Kaiser Messer
dimensions of aims....4 goals....
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