Thursday, February 10, 2011

Week 5 reflection

in the 1st stage sensorimotor stage (0 to start talking), baby cannot understand language yet, so he do not smile as his father try to made him
however, when his father touch him, he smiles
in this stages, children show response using 5 sense, namely, see, hear, smell, touch & taste...
baby hear & response to sound but do not show the desire response as he do not understand the meaning yet

in 2nd stage pre-operational stage (2-7 ages) children begin to associate symbol (or words) with objects, the girl most probably likes to eat Peas and Toasts & she can associate them well the name of the her favourite food
also, as the child sensory motor skill is developed now, she can help doing light house chores
then, child this age is egocentric, they take themselves as the center of universe and hard to take viewpoint of others
child at this age still cannot conserve or use logical thinking

in 3rd stage concrete operational (7-11 ages), child has deeper understanding things, he is able to understand abstract and capable of reasoning (he is able to reasons the event), but with the practical aids, for example in this case the terms on the white board
child at this age is able to classify objects (or event) to several features and order them in series along a single dimension (such as time)

in the fourth and last stage, formal operational stage (ages 12 onward), teenagers have full reasoning capacity and can consider multiple viewpoint
teenagers now have develop abstract thought and can easily conserve and think logically in their mind
they becomes concerned with the hypothetical , the future, and ideological problems

What is the exercise mathematics learning stages?
in my opinion, the exercise require us to achieve formal operational stage in order to solve it
we need to analyze the sequence, consider different possible alternative and choose the best solution
by the way, i always think Piaget is a she, as his name "PIJ" sounded like Jane ; )

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