Monday, February 21, 2011

week 7 class note

oooot is 7th week liao....wat had u done?what had u not done yet?

use more English, write more share with others....

info processes theory....
model... explain how human mind receive, store and use....= computer....
it needs input (5 senses organ collect it)

sensory register.....input 5 stimuli from environment...
2 types: iconic....receive visual.can hold about 1 sec and transfer to
acoustic....sound....hold about 4 sec b4 stimuli disapear....
if we not pay attention, will lose; if pay, it go to short term memory....
maybe have develop other strategy so that other would not miss
we repeat it....or leave it there for the st to see & connect....
what ever that is lost the first seconds...will lost forever....
it is up to the t to link more than just saying it....
must have other strategy to link it....

short term memory working memory.....
store 20-30 seconds
to remember longer, must be rehearsal or repeat....
if not process, it will b forgotten....

repetition...used frequent easy to remember.....memorizing formula or
tables... phone number & names that repeat tat keep on
playing will be memorized....revise=repeat new info with something that is remembered.....make
connection of new knowledge to real is it relevance...

long term memory....unlimited capacity...
permanent store....
not all info in long term can recall, environment cues help someone to
what ever is in long term, is there....just need to give some cue...
7-9 items at the same time...

semantic names
episodic...specific of birth
procedural....process of doing to solve
to do long division....the process name might not be remember...but
the process...

cognitive model...
perception....from gestalt theory....ability to take info from senses....
dominant senses (used most often) vision and and video....
how to use taste....sometimes it is poisons....reason why we use
dominant senses...
touch....maybe it is hot....
depend on how we look...concentrate on white; back....
the perception can be reserved, mental construct of the moind...
internal mental word can differn from external physical world-how we
perceive it to be....
ex, if we looked at the moon, we think it is beautiful....
ex, if we show this to st, they see something else....& dun get angry
about it,,,,
up to u to help st to help what or how can they see...
st have their own perception about things....

comprehension....describe the complete reading process from recognize
word intill comstruct a represenntatopn of the meaning....
when st read the question or text, they will be able to catch the meaning

problem solving....problem finding and problem shaping
polya 4 steps; Example: trial and error (factoring quadratic equation,
many the process we learn more and more), hypothesis
testing, research


get st attention.....set induction.....set induction can be
anything...just engage everyone in the is the
VC has to say to canclel one class......
main purpose......get st attention...something that related or not....
eg whole number.....wat is the date today, 21, feb, 2011......

help st to separate essectial and non-essectialat the end of this
clas....what we are going to learn today....

make connection....previous knowledge
giving relate to what is already know.... use of info....

how are you do to help st remember or reatin a new piece of info
things learn???? do blogging.....
& email to inform dr about it....
read first 2 pages....

if hvae time,,,try to look up as mnemonics....

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