What if.....Why.......they will always ask this....contrast with slow learners (seldom ask)
they learn a language very fast
intellectual playfulness= very creative, eg: some computer games can be very intellectual
assessment: require more from this group of students, dont satisfy easily, see whether they can go higher; ask st to explain
textbook: enriched, include concepts beyond the basics
have multiple resources to help students
flexible: eg: more than 1 methods to solve a problem....
talk to the parents, let them participate in contest: math olypmpic, new south wales
have career talk where the ppl have opportunity to know them
group activity: create free thinking....
let the children mix with other with the same ability, professor, they will be able to give feedback
they lack of experience in concrete activities
calcultors: exploring tools
computer: have many advantages
24 Game: suitable to them
to make it simpler....start form 2X2.......
can give normal students 1-2 level higher problem (as enrichment activity)....maybe 1-2 studens can do it...indirectly help the st learn a bit than what they can....
mep: the magazine towards english proficency
Multiple intelligence-Howard Gardner: a feel good theory
coach: strategy good...
spatial-visual: they need to see the thing..
can have more than 1 intelligences.....
they are outstanding in their field...
some of the st have different learning style from others....
Children are the beacons of future, they will lit up the light of wisdom in humanity.
ReplyDeleteIs us, the teachers, our duty is to make those beacons shine brightly.
Have faith and have strong heart!
We will create a better future!