Wednesday, January 12, 2011

1st Assignment: Reflective Practitioner

What kind of qualities do you expect in reflective practitioner?
A reflective practitioner is an action researcher, he must be able to plan action, carry out or implement the action planned, observe the outcome of the action, do reflection, replan further action based on the response. In order to do this, a reflective practitioner must have have certain qualities.
He or she must be/have:-
·         Knowledgeable

For a teacher to be a good reflective practitioner, he must know learning theories, teaching pedagogies, classroom management and so on. It is so that he could understand what was happening and pick up the best solution for every decision he need to make based on requirement of each situation.

·         Flexible

He must not hold on to certain set of beliefs, thinking or methods. Different situation require different action.

·         Continuous spirit and hardworking

Reflection require long term commitment, he must be an action research and make changes (if required) from time to time in order to improve. Those who do not make any changes in work is similar to a machine following the procedure given.
·         Open to advice and changes

One must be open-minded to accept advice and changes. Every second new thing is created, every minutes grow, every day human changes. The teaching method used yesterday may not be suitable for today. Besides, he must be ready to accept advice and make improvement accordingly. What we think is best sometimes maybe is not the best alternative.

·         A thinker

A reflective practitioner must think fast, creatively, critically and innovatively. Unexpected event happens unexpectedly, a teacher must react instantly to solve the problem. Not every situation that we encountered is same with the one written in text book or reference book , therefore a reflective practitioner should modify solution according to the needs of each problem.

Why do you think a beginning teacher should possess these qualities?
·         Manage (not control) the classroom
·         Use time efficiently and appropriately to maximize the teaching and learning process
·         Make students enjoy the learning process
·         Help pupils learn better; make sure students fully understand the content
·         Engage students in the learning process; arouse their interest in learning
·         To be aware or conscious and able to give reasons every action he made
·         To improve teacher’s capability in conducting a conducive class
·         To be an excellent teacher

How would you expect this course to help develop these qualities?
The most important expect I wished to learn and master through this course is the process of reflective thinking. This process is not only useful in teaching, but also in managing our day-to day life.
Therefore, I would expect that, at the end of this course, I would have understand and apply major theories and pedagogies of teaching and learning. I would like to know how human learn and how human respond to new thing. Following that, I hope we would have the opportunity to plan and conduct a short mathematics lesson in this course.
It would be great if through this course, I learn to articulate the theories I am using by learning through series of writing assignment.  
With the knowledge in mind and on hand, hopefully I would gain confidence to conduct a class properly in future.

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