Thursday, January 6, 2011

Holiday Mode during Start of Semester

I know, I know, I should start doing my first assignment…
But I am still in HOLIDAY Mode!!!!
I don’t have the Omm to read. Even when I read, only the word come into my mine, but the content is Nil.
While I was sitting in the bus, one thought flash in.
‘’if I am having Holiday Mode in the first week, will the students in the same mode too??’’
What a teacher (she or he maybe also in the same Holiday Mode) to take the students out and put them into a learning mode???
Therefore, I start googleing for “What teacher should do in the first class?”

This 2 pages list what we can do with our students for our first few day of class.

This shall act as my reference during my first day of Teaching Practical too ; )

1 comment:

  1. Had a quick view of the stuff you put on the your blog.. ermm not bad I would say, esp. the "What teacher should do in the first class". Good work!
